General Information of Synthetic Binding Protein (SBP) (ID: SBP000204)
SBP Name
Peptide aptamer anti-STAT3 rS3-PA
Peptide aptamer rS3-PA
Design Method Traditional methods (Site-directed mutagenesis and/or Directed evolution)
Highest Status Research
Protein Scaffold Information of This SBP
Scaffold ID PS051
Scaffold Info
Scaffold Name Peptide aptamer
Scaffold Class Non-Antibody
Fold Type Alpha-Helices + Beta-Sheets + Loops
Binding Target(s) of This SBP (BTS)
BTS Name Details Mechanism Application Affinity Research Organization Ref
Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3
BTS Info
Inhibitor Tumors [ICD-11: XH1N44] N.A. Georg-Speyer-Haus, Institute for Biomedical Research [1]
1 Increasing the range of drug targets: interacting peptides provide leads for the development of oncoprotein inhibitors. Bioengineered. Nov-Dec 2012;3(6):320-5.