General Information of Binding Target of SBP (BTS) (ID: ST00593)
BTS Name
Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 35-Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26-Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 29
BTS Type
VPS35 family;
VPS26 family;
VPS29 family
Homo sapiens (Human)
UniProt ID
Q96QK1, O75436, Q9UBQ0
UniProt Entry
Synthetic Binding Protein (SBP) Targeting This BTS
SBP Name Highest Status Mechanism Affinity Application Details Ref
Macrocyclic peptide anti-retromer RT-D1 Research Inhibitor Kd: 130 nM Tool for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex
SBP Info
Macrocyclic peptide anti-retromer RT-D2 Research Inhibitor Kd: 53 nM Tool for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex
SBP Info
Macrocyclic peptide anti-retromer RT-D3 Research Inhibitor Kd: 25 nM Tool for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex
SBP Info
Macrocyclic peptide anti-retromer RT-D4 Research Inhibitor N.A. Tool for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex
SBP Info
Macrocyclic peptide anti-retromer RT-L1 Research Inhibitor Kd: 96 nM Tool for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex
SBP Info
Macrocyclic peptide anti-retromer RT-L2 Research Inhibitor Kd: 852 nM Tool for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex
SBP Info
Macrocyclic peptide anti-retromer RT-L3 Research Inhibitor N.A. Tool for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex
SBP Info
Macrocyclic peptide anti-retromer RT-L4 Research Inhibitor Kd: 273 nM Tool for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex
SBP Info
1 De novo macrocyclic peptides for inhibiting, stabilizing, and probing the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex. Sci Adv. 2021 Dec 3;7(49):eabg4007.