General Information of Synthetic Binding Protein (SBP) (ID: SBP001039)
SBP Name
Nanobody anti-VEGF clone 42
Molecular Weight 13.8 kDa
Design Method Traditional methods (Site-directed mutagenesis and/or Directed evolution)
Expression System Escherichia coli WK6
Selection Method Phage display
Highest Status Research
Sequence Length 126
SBP Sequence
>Nanobody anti-VEGF clone 42
3D Structure
Computationally Modelled Structure
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Protein Scaffold Information of This SBP
Scaffold ID PS048
Scaffold Info
Scaffold Name Nanobody
Scaffold Class Antibody fragment
Fold Type Beta-Sheets + Loops
Binding Target(s) of This SBP (BTS)
BTS Name Details Mechanism Application Affinity Research Organization Ref
Vascular endothelial growth factor A
BTS Info
Inhibitor Cancers [ICD-11: 2D4Z] Kd: 60 nM Pasteur Institute of Iran [1]
1 Inhibition of angiogenesis in human endothelial cell using VEGF specific nanobody. Mol Immunol. 2015 May;65(1):58-67.