General Information of Synthetic Binding Protein (SBP) (ID: SBP000671)
SBP Name
alphaRep protein anti-FNE clone 3
Design Method Traditional methods (Site-directed mutagenesis and/or Directed evolution)
Expression System Escherichia coli M15
Selection Method Phage display
Highest Status Research
Template Name Spy0125
Protein Scaffold Information of This SBP
Scaffold ID PS009
Scaffold Info
[1] , [2]
Scaffold Name Alpha-Rep protein
Scaffold Class Non-Antibody
Fold Type Alpha-Helices + Loops
Binding Target(s) of This SBP (BTS)
BTS Name Details Mechanism Application Affinity Research Organization Ref
Fibronectin-binding protein A
BTS Info
Binder Tools for studying structural and functional analysis of FNE from Streptococcus equi Kd: 180 nM Institute of molecular and cellular biochemistry and Biophysics [1] , [2]
1 The Rep artificial repeat protein scaffold: a new tool for crystallization and live cell applications. Biochem Soc Trans. 2015 Oct;43(5):819-24.
2 Structural and functional analysis of the fibronectin-binding protein FNE from Streptococcus equi spp. equi. FEBS J. 2014 Dec;281(24):5513-31.