General Information of Synthetic Binding Protein (SBP) (ID: SBP000260)
SBP Name
Bicyclic peptide anti-ERBB1 cp23G
Bicyclic peptide cp23G
Design Method Traditional methods (Site-directed mutagenesis and/or Directed evolution)
Highest Status Research
Sequence Length 23
SBP Sequence
>Bicyclic peptide anti-ERBB1 cp23G
Protein Scaffold Information of This SBP
Scaffold ID PS017
Scaffold Info
Scaffold Name Bicyclic peptide
Scaffold Class Non-Antibody
Fold Type Loops
Binding Target(s) of This SBP (BTS)
BTS Name Details Mechanism Application Affinity Research Organization Ref
Epidermal growth factor receptor
BTS Info
Inhibitor Cancers [ICD-11: 2D4Z] Kd: 252000 nM The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology [1]
1 Toward a Novel Drug To Target the EGF-EGFR Interaction: Design of Metabolically Stable Bicyclic Peptides. Chembiochem. 2018 Jan 4;19(1):76-84.