General Information of Synthetic Binding Protein (SBP) (ID: SBP000298)
SBP Name
Macrocyclic peptide anti-C5 RA-101348
Macrocyclic peptide RA-101348
Design Method Traditional methods (Site-directed mutagenesis and/or Directed evolution)
Highest Status Research
Protein Scaffold Information of This SBP
Scaffold ID PS044
Scaffold Info
Scaffold Name Macrocyclic peptide
Scaffold Class Non-Antibody
Fold Type Beta-Sheets + Loops
Binding Target(s) of This SBP (BTS)
BTS Name Details Mechanism Application Affinity Research Organization Ref
Complement C5
BTS Info
Inhibitor Haemolytic uraemic syndrome [ICD-11: 3A21.2]; Lupus nephritis [ICD-11: 4A40.0Y]; Motor neurone disease [ICD-11: 8B60.Z]; Myasthenia gravis [ICD-11: 8C60.Z]; Cardiomyopathy [ICD-11: BC43]; Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria [ICD-11: 3A21.0]; Renal failure [ICD-11: GB6Z] N.A. Ra Pharmaceuticals [1]
1 Generation of complement molecular complex C5b-9 (C5b-9) in response to poly-traumatic hemorrhagic shock and evaluation of C5 cleavage inhibitors in non-human primates. Int Immunopharmacol. 2018 Jan;54:221-225.